1. My feet are my favorite part of my body.
2. I try not to have a least favorite part. Sometimes I succeed.
3. I like having clean hands.
4. I miss being in school.
5. I miss Olivia.
6. I am finding out that I am judgmental.
7. I am a very loyal friend.
8. I wear my emotions on my face.
9. I love my sense of humor...even when it embarrasses me.
10. I sing in the shower.
11. I can't sing.
12. I wish I could sing.
13. I graduated Magna Cum Laude from the University of Washington.
14. I have had my heart broken a few times.
15. I have lost some good friends.
16. I love eggnog lattes.
17. I believe I have a novel in me.
18. I thought I would be a better artist than I am.
19. I suffer from a mild case of claustrophobia...especially in my feet.
20. I don't like wearing bras.
21. I'm sad I couldn't breastfeed.
22. My biggest hope now is to be the kind of mother O needs.
23. I adore my husband.
24. Joe is the best person I know.
25. I wish Maggie hadn't moved back to London.
26. I fear that I won't have time to do everything I want to do.
27. I fear I won't figure out all I want to do.
28. I dislike call waiting.
29. I love getting mail.
30. I feel guilty for having so much sometimes.
31. I don't understand abuse.
32. I collect Japanese Maples.
33. Jasmine is my favorite flower.
34. I miss Kila.
35. I love knitting by the fire.
36. I love O's laugh.
37. I don't respect Bush.
38. I feel pain for what is happening to the United States.
39. My favorite radio show on NPR is The Diane Rehm Show.
40. I love Joe's tenderness.
41. I can bake a mean chocolate cake.
42. My toenails are painted most of the time.
43. I don't like narrow minded people.
44. I don't miss smoking and will not smoke if I know I have a limited time to live.
45. Sometimes I exaggerate, (although not on this list).
46. Sometimes music makes me cry.
47. Sometimes beauty makes me cry.
48. I have no interest in parachuting...ever.
49. I don't care for developers that mow down all the trees and put cookie cutter houses that are ugly.
50. Beauty is important to me.
51. I love meaningful conversations.
52. I get moved a lot by people's stories.
53. I wish I was a better person.
54. Sometimes I lie.
55. I used to think I was special, until Olivia died.
56. Sometimes I blame myself for Olivia dying.
57. Sometimes I wish I had chosen a different path.
58. I think a lot of people have children for the wrong reason.
59. I think a lot of parents are clueless. (See, I'm judgmental!)
60. I love to travel but rarely do it lately.
61. I don't have a lot of regrets...just a couple.
62. My favorite painting is L'Origine du monde by Courbet, (which I saw in Paris).
63. I am awed by Odd Nerdrum.
64. I may teach myself guitar.
65. I've eaten potato bugs and bird poop...
66. When I was little I had to have shots often, but I don't know what for and dad doesn't remember.
67. I don't remember a lot of my childhood/adolescence.
68. I wish I understood Physics better.
69. I see my mother (physically) in me.
70. I'm scared of ghosts.
71. I love taking long HOT showers but don't do it enough lately.
72. I dislike passive-aggressive behavior...especially when I do it.
73. I think Martha Stewart got a bum rap.
74. I believe the death penalty is barbaric.
75. I find myself too happy.
76. I have struggled most of my life with my weight and wish I never had an issue with it.
77. I don't miss not having a TV.
78. I wish I read more.
79. I hate driving because I dislike how others drive.
80. I dislike ordinary.
81. I love Joe's mom.
82. I wish I hadn't been raised to respect authority and elders just because.
83. I believe spanking children kills their spirit.
84. I wish I hadn't been spanked.
85. I LOVE being O's mom.
86. I love reading about mountain climbing but have no interest in doing it.
87. I once drank REALLY good champagne.
88. I love being touched.
89. I love cooking for my friends.
90. I like washing my face every night.
91. I was exorcised once.
92. I love my dogs and crazy cat.
93. I hate it when they kill birds, snakes and rabbits.
94. Crows are my favorite birds.
95. I wish I forgave more.
96. I believe quality is more gratifying than quantity.
97. I love swimming in the ocean.
98. I love how often Nicole comes to visit.
99. I love O's smell.
100. I feel very blessed.