Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Speaking Of Trees...

Why did we get a fake Christmas tree two or three years ago? We had previously gotten a live Christmas tree which we summarily planted in our garden. It died within a year...(apparently we forgot to water it during the summer...)

I think we were just walking through a big store and saw it there...and thought it would be better for the environment to get a fake tree...of course who knows WHAT process goes into making one of these...which contributes to all those horrible things one tries to avoid like pollution, mass consumption, making "fake" fashionable...but whatever our thinking was back then, (I can pretty much confirm I was 100% responsible for our even considering buying a Christmas tree...fake or not) we are now with a lovely, tall, artificial but very convincing tree.

It also came with 1000 or was it 10,000 colored lights? is beautiful. This year we put it up in the "family" room as it is too tall for the living room ceiling...

JOE: Honey, I don't think it's going to fit in the living room.

ME: Of course it is...I'M THE VISUAL PERSON HERE...I KNOW these things.

JOE: Why don't we go home, measure and come back?

ME: WHAT? Are you insane? I can't be practical...I NEED this tree now...and it will fit.

5 hours later...

ME: It doesn't look too bad without the top does it?

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