Did I share this with you yet...I can't remember...but it seems an appropriate time to share again.
When I was a young,
innocent little girl, I had a daydream. I had a
gun that I could point at kids that were mean, bullies or just over all annoying, and
ZAP them out of my existence. I didn't kill them... just moved them out of my periphery, so I didn't have to deal with them. (A bit passive aggressive maybe....)I thought this was a pretty awesome imaginary invention...and, as I recall, used it quite often at the park, school and on occasion. even with my own family. (GASP!)
Today, at the park, I looked down at my hips and imagined my holster with the ZAPPER! We had just arrived at the park, and there was a group of....(I'm actually at a loss as to what to call them...mothers? Women? Girls? None of these seem correct.)...They were sitting on a bench, being pretty loud and annoying. Yes, it's a free country, but I question if this is really useful.
I was okay until one of them started calling the other one a bitch, (jokingly I assume). And swearing here and there. Who the hell sits in a toddler park and swears? I glared. Then they pulled out the smokes.
I wondered if I should say something to them...but actually thought that with this bunch it would be pointless and I might get my ass kicked, which, last time I checked, wasn't on my list of things to do today.