O and I had a good day today...he slept through most of it and I worked on the Christmas cards...
The cards themselves came out really good...I am really pleased with Costco...will have to do this next year...I printed my address book from Outlook and started going through the list of people on it. Some of the people on my list were complete mysteries to me...I mean, I obviously entered their names but who are they?...sometimes I write a reminder on the Notes section of Outlook...but this didn't print out so I had no idea who these people were...
Then I came across people I no longer keep in touch with...it was nice to take a moment and think about them...wondering how they are...if they are happy...if they ever think of me in this accidental way. Some of these friends I genuinely miss...but sometimes relationships just end. I know in a few cases I chose to "walk away" so to speak...but I still miss the non-neurotic aspects of our relationship! (Needless to say, the neurotic falls 100% on their shoulders...)
I spent a good part of the afternoon reading a blog I have become attached to. There is something about this family that really calls to me...I like the writing...the voice. It makes me laugh and she includes really great pics of her family...she seems somewhat obsessed with picture taking as I am...I was thinking today that we have 6 working cameras...2 35mm, 2 digitals, 1 Polaroid and one video camera. I love the instant gratification of the digitals, but I have to say that I miss the quality of the 35mm...I know most of this is my fault...but I'm bummed about the color I get from the digital cameras...too cool...I want warm tones and cannot figure out how to get them...so I may dig out the Pentax and take a few rolls of Owen with that one...I don't even know if they sell Polaroid film anymore...what a fun camera that is...too bad I didn't use it more when I could have!
Back to the other blog...I'd like to meet this woman. I think we would become friends. I like her sense of humor and her honesty. Maybe I'll send her an email...although that may seem a bit creepy..."Hi, I've been totally obsessing over your blog...and thought I would write...be my friend would ya?"