Today Owen and I began our new tradition of getting the house decorated for the holidays...I will admit that if it weren't for Owen being here, I wouldn't have bothered...but since I want to make the holidays as lovely as possible...I ventured forth...albeit somewhat ambivalent...
For the last 2 years, (I can't remember what we did in 2007)...we got a live tree...since I haven't made up my mind about staying in Spokane for Christmas or going to Seattle...I didn't want to get a live tree. I also wasn't excited about spending a lot of money on a fake tree...especially since I really didn't want a fake tree...but, you know...the kid!!! So we headed out to Lowe's and after looking amidst all of the artificial trees...we found a $25 one. Twenty-five dollars! It looked like it cost $25.00...but I was feeling optimistic...and Owen was on board...so we brought it home...
Once home...we put the simple pieces together...opened all the branches...and began decorating it...We have a lot of ornaments...some that I purchased through the years...and some that Mary gave to me which she used, to decorate her tree years ago...these, were the ones that Joe grew up with...
I won't write all the details of the afternoon...but I will share that aside from a few moments of feeling sad, Owen and I had a pretty good time filling this little tree full of lovely ornaments...creating memories of just the two of us...and I think it's one of the most beautiful trees we've done!