Not too many things to post's late...I'm just waiting for a really cute video of O to upload, and thought I would write a bit.
Joe's dad is coming out at the end of March, and I've been contemplating taking off by myself for a few days and leaving the "boys" alone...I go back and forth on it...I can't even write down the "whys"...because I'm not really clear on them...Blah...Anyway, if I do go, it will either be meeting Nicole either in Bozeman, or meeting somewhere else, or going to Seattle.
Going to Seattle sounds really fun...hang out with Gigi and some to the Frye Art Museum...get away from the snow...Going to see Nicole is also temping, but UGH...they have WAY MORE SNOW...and I'm thinking going to Bozeman might be better in the summer or late, late Spring...
I've also been dreaming about doing an artist in residence program, but I haven't applied to any, and I'd need to be more organized about it...Maybe I could open my own and name it, "Artist in Residency for all the Visual Artists who have a somewhat chaotic life and want to do some art...alone and in a community the drop of a hat Program" Hey, I'd go!
Actually, Nicole has been getting into her art again these past years...maybe we can just lock ourselves up in her 20 acres and create! (Oh, and drink lots of wine)...
You are now saved from my ramblings as the video has finished uploading!