One year ago today our dearest Kila passed away...We miss her and think of her often...Enzo and I hung out next to Joe as he dug her grave in the orchard...it was a Monday morning and it was raining...I collected some flowers from the garden and laid them on top of her body...I hope she knew how loved she was...and I can honestly say that her absence is truly felt in our home.
I had 10 years with Kila in my life...and I have some wonderful memories. We used to play hide-n-seek at dad and Jeri's...I would stand at the back door and throw her little green soccer ball into the back yard...as she went to retrieve it, I would dash into the house and hide in a room...she'd run back into the house, (dropping the ball off at the door) and without fail, she'd find me instantly! I was always amazed and I'd laugh...Kila always had a smile...She was a precious PITA.
I love and miss you dearest Kila.